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Understanding TheFeatures of OWB Ruger Vaquero Holsters

Gun and holster function as a single unit; we must understand the gun to choose the right holster.  The Ruger Vaquero is a single-action revolver with six shots from the house of Sturm & Rutgers Co popular in  Cowboy Action Shooting. OWB Ruger Vaquero Holsters is popular in the cowboy shooting circuit. It ismade of leather, witha rig, and slots for bullets, sturdy belts to hold the holster, and sometimes a leg strap.It is an outer waist belt holster, and hence the weapon is open carry the belt may carry one or two holsters.

 A brief introduction to OWB Holsters?

OWB Holster is an acronym for Outside The Waistband Holster. The wearer carries the firearm in a holster outside of the waistband. This is referred to as “Open Carry” in contrast to other holsters which are “Conceal Carry such as the IWB(Inner Waistband Holster).  OWBs are very popular among gun lovers despite restrictions to open-carry weapons.   Shooters prefer to have an unobstructed draw of the weapon. As mentioned, it is worn around one’s waist attached to a belt, from the outside. They can be belt-slide and paddle holsters. You can make OWB Holster conceal bywearing long clothing. OWB holsters haveretention devices, such as screws andsnaps whichprevent your gun from being taken from you easily.

Difference between OWB and IWB

  • The difference is not just that the holster is on the opposite sides of thetroussers
  • OWB is open carry while IWB is concealed carry
  • Accessibility is much better in OWB as you don’t have to reach for your gun under the clothes
  • Accessibility is directly proportional to draw and hence OWB has a better weapon draw, especially in emergencieswhen you need to quickly get hold of the weapon
  • OWB is comfortable when you are seated
  • OWB offers more safety than IWB

Features of OWB Ruger Vaquero Holsters

OWB Ruger Vaquero Holstersmade in health for Ruger guns are a great fit both asa concealed and open carry. The retention cliplets you doactivities such as jump, run and ride a motorcycle without the weapon falling. It offers great comfort with its OWB design and sweat guard. Made of premium leather its quality is unmatched. There is no hassle in drawing the fun and it is safe to carry with its OWB design. The flat holster helps to conceal the weapon.

Different patterns of OWB Ruger Vaquero Holsters

  1. Cross-drawholstersare angled to reachthe gun across the torso than the hip whenyou are seated.Outdoorsmen and hunters may prefer theirguns inthe cross drawposition as it keeps the gun clear of other gear.Cross-draw holsters are preferred for their lesser shoulder rotation.
  2. Paddle holster:Thisholster is a flat, concave-shapedcompartmentmade of plastic or stiffened leatherto hold Ruger Vaquero guns.
  3. Western holsters are designed for hiking, backpacking, hunting, fishing, and other outdoor activities.
Greg Jones: Greg's blog posts are known for their clear and concise coverage of economic and financial news. With a background as a financial journalist, he offers readers valuable insights into the complexities of the global economy.