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4 Reasons That Make Human Brain Unique

The human brain is one of the most magnificent organs. It has a notable cognitive capability which allows us to build pyramids, invent the wheel and even accomplish a mission to Mars. Sometimes, scientists attribute the human brain to be the “crowning achievement of evolution”.

But why is it that out of all the human body parts, the brain is so special that it controls and coordinates the body movements and signals responses? Is it because the brain has more neurons and disburses much more energy than expected out of its size? Or is it because the cerebral cortex that is attributed to higher cognition is large disproportionately, occupying around 80% of the total mass of the brain?

Time and again these beliefs have been debunked, one such example is when, to generate a count of neurons in the brain, the ‘brain soup’ technique was adopted to refute the previously stated. As per the technique, it was depicted that the number of neurons was in sync with the size of the brain in comparison with other primates.

What Makes The Brain Unique?

The human brain is distinctive. Listed below are 4 reasons why it is unique.

1) Different Genetic Trademarks

Humans are similar to animals at the genetic level. However, scientists suggest that the fragments of DNA that code for particular proteins are differentially expressed in humans relative to other animals. As per a study, 32 unique signatures were identified in around twenty thousand genes which apparently are shared across 130 odd brain sections in 6 selves, which can be used to substantiate the distinct characteristics of humans.

2) Electrical Signals Of The Human Brain

From thousands of cells, neurons present in parts of the human brain receives electrical signals along dendrites such that the cells respond suitably. Compared to other species, dendrites present in humans have special electrical capabilities. As per studies, as the signals move along the dendrites, they weaken causing a high degree of electrical compartmentalization. This results in portions of dendrites to act independently in relation to the other part of the neuron which can be attributed to the brain’s computing power.

3) Human Brain and reasoning

The human brain is unparalleled in its capability of recalling the past, planning future events, reasoning capabilities and steering complex dynamics. The basis of this intricate system of communication and language is formed by mental symbols to encode sensory experiences.

4) Productive computation

We can produce a reasonably boundless variation in concepts and words, which is brought about by two forms in humans – combinatorial and recursive.  Where combinatorial operations occur through a mix-up of various learned components for constructing a concept, recursive operations, on the other hand, permits the application of a learnt concept for the creation of newer expressions.

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Greg Jones: Greg's blog posts are known for their clear and concise coverage of economic and financial news. With a background as a financial journalist, he offers readers valuable insights into the complexities of the global economy.